If you have used the Endless Installer for Windows, you can uninstall Endless OS to return your computer to a Windows-only system.
Start your computer up in Windows
Search for “Add or remove programs” in the Start menu and run it.
Find the Endless OS entry and click “Uninstall”.
You will be prompted to remove Endless OS and erase all of your files and apps stored within Endless. If you are happy to proceed, select “Yes”. (Make sure you have backed up things you’d like to save, otherwise, they will be permanently deleted)
The uninstall should complete quickly and give you a message saying whether or not it was successful.
Your computer will now boot directly into Windows without showing the menu to select Endless OS.
If you cannot access it via the above procedure, you can also find the uninstall program at C:\endless\endless-uninstaller.exe
If you have lost or erased the program, you can also download the latest endless-installer.exe
and rename it to endless-uninstaller.exe