We (Endless OS Foundation) are engaged in several pilots around the world where we help teach learners essential skills through a game development journey. We call this our “learning program,” and it’s headed by our “Learning team.”
We utilize free (and in most cases, open source) tools for our learning programs. See this page for convenient links.
Godot Engine has pretty extensive documentation. We recommend checking there for more detailed and technical help.
The Godot Engine community also has a forum and Discord where you can seek further help!
If you're experiencing a bug or issue during your time in a learning program or using an Endless technology, first contact your program's engagement officer or mentor for help! They can typically point you in the right direction.
If you're that engagement officer or a more techincal person seeking out specific places to report an issue, you can do so using the following links:
We’re working to train a first-line engagement officer for each pilot/location; if you’re participating in the learning program but don’t have one yet, feel free to reach out to learning@endlessos.org and we’ll help you out.