Endless OS 3.8 is the last branch of Endless OS available for 32-bit ARM devices such as Endless Mini and Mission Mini. These devices cannot be upgraded to Endless OS 3.9 or newer. No new features or bug-fixes will be available on these devices.
Apps which are currently available in the App Center are expected to remain available for the foreseeable future. However, no new apps will be published for this platform, and apps are equally unlikely to receive ongoing software updates.
Despite the end of formal support and software updates, if you are a user of these devices and face any issues, feel free to reach out on our Community Forums and we we will do our best to help, subject to available resources.
As a non-profit foundation, we must choose carefully where to focus our limited resources. After providing 5 years of support since the original product launch, we have now ended our formal support offerings.
In the present day, the product is hard to support from a technical perspective - the hardware requires custom drivers which in turn require an outdated version of Linux, and lacks functionality which applications have come to rely on. Fragile changes were required in many areas of the OS to provide acceptable performance, particularly for video playback. Our work on newer ARM platforms such as Raspberry Pi 4 uses a more sustainable engineering model utilizing only software components maintained by wider communities.
In addition, the open-source community we rely on has largely moved on from supporting 32-bit ARM devices. The Flatpak community no longer publishes SDKs for 32-bit ARM, effectively discontinuing all regular app updates.